Smoke-Free Indoor Air Update 

Since 2020, both the City of Eau Claire and the City of Altoona have added e-cigarettes to their Smoke-Free Indoor Air Ordinances (Eau Claire Ordinance 8.05 and Altoona City Ordinance 8.06 ). Smoking and vaping are not allowed in public indoor places like government buildings, bars, restaurants and workplaces.


This is a local update to the law the state of Wisconsin passed in 2010 - the Smoke-Free Indoor Air Law 101.123 which prohibited smoking in public places like government buildings, bars, restaurants and workplaces.

What you need to know:

  • The updated city ordinance includes vaping/e-cigarettes in the definition of smoking. If you can’t smoke somewhere, you also can’t vape there.

  • Put up signage. It lets everyone know that both smoking and vaping are not allowed indoors and helps them to follow the local regulations.

  • Vaping isn't harmless water vapor. This update is important because vaping creates a secondhand aerosol that can contain nicotine, ultrafine particles, heavy metals, and cancer-causing chemicals.

➡️Fill out this form to order a vinyl sticker to display at your business (pictured below).

*Note: Vinyl stickers are 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" and are printed on a removal adhesive. They will adhere to most surfaces without ruining the finish underneath. 


Semi-Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 11th